All of our products are brewed in Raleigh, NC and made with the finest ingredients available.  We strive to produce the highest quality Kombucha and Wellness Tea in the Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill area!

KOMBUCHA:  If your goal is to keep your sugar intake low, then make sure to compare our Kombucha with other brands.  We’ve created a process that minimizes the sugar needed in production and fermentation.  This takes extra time and care which in turn pays dividends to health benefits.  No watering down needed.  See if you can taste the difference?

WELLNESS TEA: Our herbal teas are formulated with health in mind.  The goal is to aid in areas that benefit our overall health and happiness.  We do this by adding herbs to our teas that are known for certain healthy attributes.  There are no secrets to the ingredients.  Just our special blends ready for you to brew to perfection.
